
Text Formatting Rules

Leave blank lines between paragraphs. Use [[BR]] to insert linebreaks into paragraphs.

You can render text in italics or bold. To write italics, enclose the text in double single quotes. To write bold, enclose the text in triple single quotes. You get superscripted text by enclosing it into caret characters.

To insert program source without reformatting in a monospace font, use three curly braces:

10 PRINT "Hello, world!"
20 GOTO 10

Note that within code sections, both inline and display ones, any wiki markup is ignored. An alternative and shorter syntax for inlined code is to use backtick characters (note that this can be disabled by the site's configuration, but is enabled by default).

For more information on the possible markup, see HelpOnEditing.


Mixing ''italics'' and '''bold''':
 * '''''Mix''' at the beginning''
 * '''''Mix'' at the beginning'''
 * '''Mix at the ''end'''''
 * ''Mix at the '''end'''''

You might recall ''a''^2^ `+` ''b''^2^ `=` ''c''^2^ from your math lessons.

An { { {inline code sequence} } } has the start and end markers on the same line. Or you use `backticks`.

A code display has them on different lines: { { {
'''No''' markup here!
} } }

/!\ In the above example, we "escaped" the markers for source code sequences by inserting spaces between the curly braces.


Mixing italics and bold:

You might recall a2 + b2 = c2 from your math lessons.

An inline code sequence has the start and end markers on the same line. Or you use backticks.

A code display has them on different lines:

'''No''' markup here!

Colorized code displays

There are several ways to get colorized formatting of Python code1:

  1. start a code display with a line only containing "#!python"
  2. embed a file attachment bearing a ".py" extension via "inline:"
  3. start a page with a Python format processing instruction ("#format python")


   1 from colors import palette
   2 palette.colorize('python')
  • 1 There is currently no support for languages other than Python.

紹介マニアMoinMoin: HelpOnFormatting (last edited 2002-05-16 15:00:00 by )